Friday, September 01, 2023

True Freshman

Moved Nick to BYU today -- Heritage Halls!
Notice how this isn't a picture of his cute room all organized and put together?
Once the boxes were moved into his room, he was ready for me to leave.

I get it. He's already been there for a term and he was super excited to get everything set up with his buddy, Noah. If I offered suggestions (why don't you and your roommates combine silverware and plates etc. and save space in the drawers and cupboards), he said, "We'll figure it out."

He will. And I'm glad he's so independent. 
But it was a little sad to not be needed. But it's good. Of course it is. I'm so proud of who he is.
But still a little sad.

I've been working on getting my manuscript ready for beta readers this morning before we oved --
last minute revisions, spell check and grammar checks etc. 

But I took a break after getting home from BYU because Tiffany came over!
She's also moving Kate to Heritage Halls this week and we got to talk and have dinner together.
We started talking before she even got through the front door and were SHOCKED
when we realized it was two hours later and time for dinner!

We talked a mile a minute through dinner at Beaumont and had the best evening together.
I'm hoping I'll see her more this year when she comes to Utah to visit kids and Dan and I will be more flexible to go visit friends!

My favorite thing when my boys went to college was...
I get to open their curtains and have light pouring into their rooms all day long!

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