Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Forced Relaxing

I stayed in my pajamas until noon reading and 
somewhat enjoying being forced inside by the rain.

I also took a 10:00 nap which are the best.

The weather kept lying to me telling me in an hour the rain would stop and all would be clear so I could go outside for a walk. But that never happened. Every hour an update would show more rain for the next 60 minutes.

I worked on more easy revisions. Word changes.
The things that take a lot more thought will need a few uninterrupted days 
when Dan is in New Jersey this weekend so I can think about how I want to make the changes.

(I've been doing a lot of research on weed and how a kid would get his hands on it,
for starters. Any pro-tips, feel free to let me know. For one, I'm getting my lingo up-to-date.
Chris and Nick said no one says "pot" anymore. It's weed.
And Jo Ellen said maybe a teenager in the story could give his friend a "blunt" 
but Rachel and Bekah said blunts were for gangster teens who liked the look of a cigar.)
So... I'm learning a lot.

Finally by 3:00 I had to get outside to exercise or wouldn't at all because I was meeting Dan 
by 5:00 in SoHo for shopping. (We both need fall clothes for New York.)

Fortunately, the rain had pretty much stopped!
I peeked into Pomander Walk, a gated courtyard between 94th & 95th and Bdway & WEA.
The cutest little tudor storybook houses on either side of the little "walk."

This evening we got Dan stocked up on new fall clothes.
We didn't have much time, but were pretty successful in two of the three stores we had time for.
We tried new places (which I researched ahead of time so we knew exactly what stores we were looking for so we didn't wander aimlessly not knowing what shops had mens clothes or were ultra-expensive designer shops.

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