Sunday, September 10, 2023

Snow Canyon for the Views

Sunday morning we met Jenn's sister, Tiff, at church because we love her
and her husband was just made bishop last week.
Then we got a tour of her beautiful new home. 

We expected to lay by the pool all day, but it was a rainy day instead. 
Amy and I had good conversation about estate planning and her career while
Jenn napped and KT read my book! (She was a very good sport making me feel really good about the parts that she connected with. And it was fun to say, "what part are you on?" "And what did you think when...")

Finally, after everyone knowing I've been working on it, sharing it with a friend makes it seem real.

The rain never quit, but across the valley the sky lightened near Snow Canyon,
so we took our chances at getting a hike. 

Being in Snow Canyon is like being on a movie set. 
So different from the mountains up north. It's beautiful.
And you forget how gorgeous until you're standing below them.

We spotted a bunny, a miniature frog and a lizard.

We worked on our kissy lip selfies and .5 photo game

And got excited about the vegetation.

Amy just had her hip replaced and was wearing her old tennis shoes in case we walked through the red dirt. (Everyone knows you'll never get anything clean that's been through St. George red dirt.)
But they had zero traction. Absolutely smooth on the bottom. After she lost her balance four different times on slick dirt or wet metal bridge thresholds, we each took an arm anytime there was downhill to make sure she didn't lose it!

Would you believe Jenn has also had TWO hips replaced (and major back surgery).
So half our group is bionic. Laughing at how we sound much older than we feel!

After our hike Amy grilled burgers and KT made wedge salad with garden tomatoes and fresh eggs from her chickens and bacon that we borrowed (turned around and went back when we forgot the first time, that's how important bacon was), from Tiff. Pickles were also canned by KT. 
In the apocalypse we'll all be knocking on her door for tips. 

We played Spades after dinner, the type of card game where you have a partner, have to guess at how many tricks you'll win and are sweating, hoping you can figure out a strategy, not play a spades at the wrong time and hoping you don't make a fatal mistake bringing both you and your partner down. 

Give me the adrenaline of Nerts or Speed over the anxiety of Spades or Tens or Hearts any day.
Although, I did manage to get a zero which gave our team 100 points and they said was the equivalent of shooting the moon. Go me! 

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