Saturday, September 23, 2023

Rainy Saturday

It's pouring rain in New York today--
the effects of tropical storm Ophelia heading up the East Coast.

I talked Dan into skipping working out and having breakfast at Barney Greengrass
right across the street. Our server suggested we try "the potato pancakes"
which I was pretty sure were latkes advertised to people who he wasn't sure would know what latkes were.
I was right. They were good. 

I'd go back to Barney Greengrass if I wanted eggs with lox or any other fish 
because those were the main offerings.
Since I don't ever want that, I don't think we'll dine in again and stick with what Courtney loves from there -- their bagels. (But be prepared that you can get plain or everything. Not fancy flavors.)

What I loved about breakfast was eating out on a rainy Saturday in New York.
It felt right.

After breakfast we did temple sealings with Courtney.
I love hearing again the temple promises and covenants Dan and I made together.
We knelt across the altar from each other, our children now grown, 
and hearing those words to promise to love and cherish each other and our children, 
I thought how we'd done a pretty good job and that Dan has really lived up to that covenant.
 I'm really glad I married him. 

Then we shopped for rain boots and Michael met us for lunch at Bondi (sushi)
and the rest of the afternoon Dan and I read and watched football on a gray and rainy day.


Meanwhile the sun was bright in Salt Lake.
Nick joined Chris at the U's home game since it was Parent's Day on campus and 
Chris' parents were out of town.

Is this the cutest?

They even found Ryan and Mollie who have REALLY great seats!
Love the cousin love.

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