Friday, January 26, 2018

Work Trip

Catherine and I planned a "work trip" to Los Angeles to look for outdoor furniture and get ideas for my office. Catherine warned me she usually packed a granola bar for breakfast and lunch because she stayed so busy the whole time. I told her not to worry, I was raised an Adair which meant going from sun-up to sun-down with no food in between was standard.

So many cool chairs everywhere!
Our plan was to go out early Wednesday morning and return late Friday night. One of the reasons I love Catherine so much is she arrived with a notebook and a list of every store we needed to see, including addresses or Design Center locations. She included an exhaustive list of items we still needed. (Even if we didn't intend to purchase them now, it would be good to get ideas while we were together!) She's so organized! (Say that again in the little girl from Despicable Me "It's so fluffy" voice!)

We got to work as soon as we sat on the plane. Then when we landed in LA, we were prepared. Also flexible as we noticed our fastest route was to stay on La Cienega which would take us past our first store on the list: Big Daddy's Antiques. It was so fun! A HUGE warehouse with a very vintage/industrial vibe. Just so much bigger and fresher than our shops here. More interesting things to look at for sure.

Next up the furniture shops near La Cienega and Wilshire. So many stores. So little time. Two different rug shops, more antique stores, outdoor furniture and specialty furniture.

These are ceramic!!
Day two was spent at the Design Center. So much fun to be surrounded by furniture and fabrics of all styles. I think we went into every space. We met some wonderful people who were so friendly, knowledgable and helpful. It felt like the epitome of customer service. A couple of places we collapsed on their couches and the sales guys were happy to chat. Another guy said "we had beautiful auras." (Which we do.) One place a guy called us the Bobsy Twins, which we took to be a compliment. Not sure he meant it that way.

Amongst all our furniture shopping, we didn't stop talking the whole time. Literally, from 7 am to late into the night. Wednesday we went to bed by 11. But Thursday night we sat in one bed next to each other pouring over furniture layouts, styles and pricing until 2:00 a.m!

We didn't do well choosing restaurants for dinner, unfortunately. The first night was fine and it was fun to be able to walk to it from our hotel. The 2nd night we kept striking out. Highlights were the bratty hostess from Ceccrio's (or something like that). "Details, Angela!" when I couldn't hear that she was asking me for my name for the reservation. And our second try, "The Stinking Rose" that looked like we'd been thrust into a carnival scene from "Something Wicked This Way Comes." It was haunting. We ate 2 rolls then left $5 on the table and fled. Our 3rd option we didn't even stop because they only had outdoor tables and when we drove by we saw they were literally on a dark, busy corner of Wilshire! Finally we drove all the way from West Hollywood into Brentwood and ate at a Hamburger Joint on San Vicente. We pulled out all our catalogs and worked away on a tiny bar table for two. But it was fun!

Even the bathroom had inspiration.
Afterward we drove around Santa Monica past our old neighborhood and through Brentwood. It was dark so hard to see anything, but I LOVE those areas! So beautiful! And even though we couldn't see, we could talk so we told each other our life stories which is one of my favorite things to do with a friend.

Friday morning I was awakened by a call from Dan that his dad had passed away. Too soon! So sudden! Catherine and I had meant to get started by 9:00 a.m., but instead we laid in bed talking about Dan's dad. Both our dad's. Our mom's. Our siblings. What made our families special. What we had learned from each of our families. I so appreciated being able to talk. It was cathartic and peaceful.

Dan had rebooked my flight to come to Phoenix instead of to SLC late that night, but I spent the morning rebooking so I could get to Phoenix sooner. We checked out of our hotel and still spent our remaining hour quick-tripping to sit in some furniture at Restoration Hardware (their showroom was much more extensive than we have here) and evaluate sizing. (SHORT!)

I set my phone alarm so I wouldn't accidentally get distracted and miss the time I needed to leave. Then I dropped her off at the Design Center where she was going to continue working until her later flight.

I mapped my way back to the airport and had a good cry all by myself.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Yesterday I hiked up Neff's Canyon with a friend, Christie. 
We sat in the choir next to each other. We used to see each other in spin class a few years ago and I asked if she was still spinning. She said she was hiking more often and invited me to go with her on Monday. My PT had just switched to Tuesday so it was perfect.
The snow was slippery enough that we used our crampons and poles.
Super fun to go somewhere new with a new friend.

And today, Mayreen, one of my best friends from Los Angeles was in town and spent the day with me. Marty and her son Alex were best friends from age 2 - 4 while we were in the ward.
She and I were in the Primary Presidency together with Yvonne and spent every summer Tuesday at the beach and Wednesday nights at the ward outdoor potluck and Thursday nights at choir practice. 
And of course lots of play dates.

Such good times before to be free to plan our days before the kids started school!

She took a turn on the climbing wall!
 I LOVED that she took the time to spend a day with me! It's not easy to see Utah friends when you live out of state because everyone has so much family to see and of course that takes priority. But she found time today and we had the best time catching up. She makes me laugh, is passionate and is so fun to be with!

She's a designer so she was raving about the house and every detail.
That was really fun for me too.

Monday, January 22, 2018

A Great Day

As I got ready to head up to bed last night, I saw my book "Jesus the Christ" sitting next to my scriptures on the coffee table. Both untouched.

I felt a little discouraged that I had an entire Sunday and didn't make time for either. An entire day with no plans except to catch up on a few things and spend the rest of the time reading Jesus the Christ and my scriptures, and I still didn't do it.

A feeling of guilt? disappointment? discouragement? washed over me. How did I let 10 hours go by without doing anything significant? Weren't these the most important things and I didn't do them?!

And then just as quick, what I did do, came to mind:
*Went to church an hour early to participate in the Stake Choir for Stake Conference today. With only 5 altos and 5 sopranos, the director was grateful to everyone who showed up.
*Prepared a crock-pot meal right after church so Nick, Chris and I could all sit down later that day to a Sunday dinner.
*Ate lunch sitting next to Nick at the counter, chatting. Chris, who had said he was going to take a nap, smelled pizza cooking, and came down to join us.
*Got Chris and Nick's memories from our Christmastime giving out lunches to the homeless experience so I could finish that blog post.
*Wrote to Marty and attached photos.
*Finished blogging about our trip to Hawaii.
*Napped for an hour. (But only an hour.)
*Watched Nick out the window as he strapped on skis and went out in the snow.
*Ate dinner with Chris and Nick.
*Had Family Home Evening and a good discussion about their favorite Stake Conference talks. Had a chance to tell them my experiences with 3rd Nephi where Christ instructs them "and it will be given unto them what they should pray for." Then shared my experience with being inspired to pray for my children "that they will know who they are and who they can become." Reminded them that my Patriarchal Blessing tells me I will have "choice children" -- a term that Heavenly Father uses to describe Moroni, Joseph Smith and also Courtney, Marty, Christopher and Nicholas. Told them how special they are and my experience with Chris as a new baby and an overwhelming feeling that I was holding a very special baby in my arms.
*Asked the boys to unload the dishwasher.
*Watched a Modern Family all together.
*Reminded Nick to do his practicing.
*Chris went to Mission Prep with his friends.
*Attended a ward "Parents Council" to discuss our youth in a very positive conversation about social media and phones and learning to use them wisely but remembering they are important and here to stay.
*Got to talk to Dan who is in Mexico for business.
*Ended the evening with telling the boys about the Parent's Council and shared that we acknowledged that phones are not evil, they are useful, as is social media. But we need to use them wisely and at appropriate times.
*Said Family Prayer.
*Tucked Nick into bed. Told him I loved him and that he's an important part of our family.
*Sat in Chris' room as he told me all about mission prep and his favorite story shared tonight. I got to reiterate that I was prompted with a spiritual impression that he is very special. Told him I loved him.

Did I do everything I hoped to do yesterday? No.
But I did not neglect the most important things after all.
It was a great day -- I did good.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Finally... SNOW!

We finally got snow!
Started snowing Friday night and kept it up all night long.
When we woke up in the morning we had almost a foot!
It snowed all day Saturday too. 
Nick and Dan went to Deer Valley and Chris and friends to Alta.
I also went to Deer Valley, but only to take Dan his ski boot inserts that he forgot.

This little snowman welcomed me when I filled up with gas! 

We had Stake Conference today so were home by Noon.
The sun came out so Nick headed out in his skis!

 Skiing over to check out where the pool has started to be dug.

 Sidestepping up the hill.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Nick's B-day Fun

Friday night we took Nick and a few friends Go-Karting for his birthday. Not technically a party, because we don't have parties after elementary school. But more a celebration that he planned with three friends (that turned into 5 friends so no one would feel left out) that we paid for.

Chris came too and brought a friend which made it feel even more celebratory.

After we took Nick's friends to Cafe Rio. And then they wanted to go back to another friend's house to have a sleepover. (Ummm...was that bad manners to drop the kids off back at someone else's house? It felt like it.)

*Our teenager's new favorite word is, "Whatever."
*He's been wearing his headphones wherever he goes.
*For over a year he's been particular about the station we listen to in the car, but now he's plugging his phone in so we can listen to his playlist. One of his new favorites is Macklemore. (Remember when Chris was this age and I thought his favorite Macklemore song was so catchy and cute how they sang about "King Awesome?" And then they informed me that it wasn't what I thought it was because we were listening to the clean version?)
*Quote from today:
Nick: What did you write about for your assignment?
Me: A teenager and a mom.
Nick: Was it about a teenager who you sent to a school that he hated for 5 years?

Welcome teenage-hood.
We may be in for a fun ride.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Yesterday Marty (Tres) called to report that Dan's dad is in the hospital. He was fighting off pneumonia but then his breathing got worse so they took him in. He's been fidgety and out of it. Although he does recognize his kids and EC when they visit. Marty told Dan not to worry yet when they talked on Wednesday. But Dan wanted to get down there as soon as possible. He packed a bag and put it in his car so he could leave at a moment's notice. 

Marty called back this morning very concerned and the next I heard from Dan, he was on a plane headed to Phoenix. I love that he can't stay away. He has a very sweet relationship with his dad (with both of his parents, actually) and he needed to be with him.

Last April when we all flew to Seattle to see Courtney's Lax game and tour UW.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


The weather is in the 50's. It seriously feels like St. George in the Spring. Kershaw and I hiked up to the first river on Mt. Olympus and then 10 minutes past. 

The mountain is dry without a spec of snow up to the first river. After that the trail changes direction and became wet and more icy. After 10 minutes I was tired, had met my goal, and wasn't having fun because it was getting so slippery.

Took me 58 minutes to the first river. About 15 minutes slower than the year I went regularly. Would be good to get back to that level. Only took 45 minutes to get down. Right on track.

I love my new Apple Watch that tracks elevation along with heart rate (and pace, of course).

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

ACT Prep

The awesome thing about being an adult when you get home from the all-night flight from Hawaii, is while the kids have to go straight to school, you can come home and crawl in bed. Which is what Dan and I did until 11:30.

Chris and I had a meeting at Huntington Prep tonight to begin his ACT Prep course. We've often told him two things: 1) It's not a contest between what Courtney and Marty got and what he gets. We just want him to get HIS best score. 2) The prep will teach him how to take the test better. It's not so much about learning new material, its understanding how to test. Taking many practice tests will help and the specifics that Huntington can offer are very valuable.

I'm totally sold on Huntington -- they helped Courtney and Marty both raise their scores by 3 points. I love their method and the way they present it.

At our meeting, the guy first asked Chris what score he would like and why. Chris wanted 26 because that's what his dad got. Then he had Chris re-look at some questions on the practice test he took at Huntington. 1 or 2 in each section. He had Chris read the question and then the guy helped him understand what they were asking and how to notice things that will help him find the answer. I was so impressed at listening to Chris answer the questions. He really knows how to break it down and think through what he's being asked and had the vocabulary to describe his thought-process.

The purpose of this exercise was to show Chris he already knew all the information being asked on the test. He just needed to learn strategies for timing and how to pace himself. Also to think about what is being asked and not get sidetracked by two answers that both look right.

At the end, he asked Chris if he could get ANY score he wanted, what would he want?

I was silently pleading Chris would go with the score Courtney and Marty got. Not because I wanted him to get a high score. But more because I wanted him to believe what I know -- that he's as smart as they are and just as capable. Chris thought about it a minute and then wrote down the same score that Courtney and Marty got. YAY!! I was SO proud that I got a little teary!

We set a goal that the guy felt was able to be accomplished by the April test. Then he said it was up to Chris to decide if he wanted to continue with tutoring after that and reach for the higher score. He'll be going to tutoring twice a week for a couple hours each night.

Monday, January 15, 2018


My view from the bar. Working on my laptop. For 5 minutes until I realized I didn't have decent internet.

My first assignment for my new class (have I mentioned I've signed up for a writing class? ha! jk Nick. I know I have.) was due on Tuesday. But our teacher wanted it in, if possible, before that so the class would have a chance to comment on it.

We had to review a paragraph we didn't like and one that we did, describing what details made it stand out in either way. I had a book with me I was loving (Beartown, Frederik Bakman -- my new favorite author). But had to search online for a paragraph from a book I didn't like. (Easy, I have a few books I deplore. Not so easy is I wasn't home to find the book. I'm sure I didn't keep it anyway. I was able to find a sample online of The Forgotten Garden, by Kate Morton and could easily find several annoying paragraphs in that few page selection.)

I'd found an hour here and there throughout our trip to work on the project and planned on fine-tuning and submitting on Monday after The (other) Shaeffers had left.

We had to pack up and checkout by 11:00, but unfortunately didn't have enough time to finish and submit before then. No problem. The boys headed to a cabana at the pool and I headed to the hotel with my laptop to find a quiet place to work. There is a covered but open-air bar right next to the lobby that is always very inviting but I never have a reason to hang out there. I was happy for the excuse.

Except I couldn't get internet. I asked the front desk for help. They advised I go to the internet cafe which I did but wasn't quiet at all. It's essentially a desk at the side of the grocery/deli with music which gives it a great "vacation vibe" but wasn't conducive to my "needing to work vibe."

And it's so dang exciting having something I need to work on that isn't PTA e-mails or RS Sunday bulletins or Primary Baptism bios and programs which is all my "work" has consisted of in the past when I've needed to find a computer on vacation. Other people's projects.  I have my own project for my own self! Yay! I wanted my "getting work done" area to be like a vacation. "I am writing in this beautiful spot looking out on a beautiful scene on vacation in a beautiful place. I am writing -- and writing excites me, is challenging, makes me smarter and and makes me happy." Is that too much to ask for a place to do my work?

I went back to the front desk and she called the IT people but while I was standing there, the internet started kicking in and downloading the documents I needed to review. So I stood there and let them download, then backed up carefully to a big chair in the lobby where the internet worked. Good enough.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hike Maui

Before I report on how cool our Hike was to Twin Falls. I want to remember how cool church was.
The building and cultural hall and stage and the Relief Society room were packed. 
Packed with families taking time out of vacation to go to church on Sunday to take the Sacrament.
And this happens all over the world -- most obviously at vacation spots. 
It's crowded, it takes forever to pass the sacrament. The talks can be interesting or sometimes not.
But all over the world people go to church on Sunday to be obedient and show our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that we are always, no matter where we are and what we're doing, 
trying to Remember Him.

Sunday after church we headed on our "Hike Maui" tour hiking and cliff jumping at Twin Falls -- located around the beginning of the road to Hana. We love Hike Maui because they have contracts with the land owners so you can hike on the private part of the land. Also, the tour guides know the names of every plant and keep their eyes out for fresh fruit we can eat along the way. This time we found strawberry guava and lilikoi (passionfruit). So delicious! Also, small edible purple flowers that tasted like mushrooms. We also saw bananas and avocado but up too high to reach.

We visited 4 different waterfalls and cliff jumped at two of the spots. I seriously had a nervous feeling at the first spot. I'd done it before a few years ago but this time I was nervous. That feeling that made me think, "remember how I felt this way that time I jumped off that bridge at BYU and shattered my ankle?"

I didn't really know what bad thing could possibly happen when all the kids and Dan had already gone first, but I went to a lower spot anyway. Interestingly, three things happened. One, I stabbed my eyelid with my thumbnail when my fingers slipped off while I was plugging my nose, and Two, something strange happened to my ears and they were KILLING for the next couple of hours until we got home and I took Tylenol. Maybe I went down too far and the pressure affected them? Not sure. And Three, my leg wasn't lined up well and I pulled my groin. Lesson learned? I might end up being the Grandma who is a good cheerleader, "Go ahead and have fun. I'll watch!"

My eye scratch.
The hike through the jungle was beautiful with all different trees, plants, root structures -- some crawling along the ground and others exposed and reaching towards the ground. The melaleuca tree was fascinating because it's bark was so soft! (And Kristin has had a Melaleuca business for years.)

After looking at cute Kristin, look at the roots covering the ground!!
The water we jumped into was cold but that's half the fun. At our first spot, we could get behind the waterfall. Grottos, fern, caves, tree canopies. It's pretty magical.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Well That Was Exciting!

I'm not sure if exciting would be the way to describe it had we really had a missile attack. As we were gathering everybody, Christopher said, "This is cool!" I said "cool" suggests that it's a good thing. I agree it's fascinating, but getting bombed isn't cool.

Good Morning! 
Dan and Dunc, Kristin and I were out walking first thing in the morning. We chose to go on the beach path so Dunc & Kristin could see it. Soon I received an Amber-type alert on my watch. I read it and stopped. This is weird. I showed it to everybody. It seemed impossible, but yet not something to ignore. We decided to turn around and head back to the condo. Everyone we passed were also looking at their phones and seeming to want to confirm with those we passed that yes, we received the same alert.
Technology is amazing that instantly everyone had the same information!

I told Dan we should start jogging because the kids were getting the same alert on their phones. I didn't want them to be alone or scared. When we got back, they hadn't seen their phones yet.

Dan told them to get shoes on so we could head to the lobby of the hotel. Presumably to get information and go to a central "safe" place.

We turned on the news but there were no reports, which was peculiar. We knew it could be a hack. But we also knew it wouldn't be surprising if North Korea did attempt to launch a missile. It was too likely to be ignored.

We put games in one bag and I had another bag with magazines and books and trail mix. We knelt down to say a quick prayer asking for peace amongst our nations leaders, military and that we would be able to discern what information to follow and to heed a plan for safety.

I was thinking of 9-11 where the people in the towers were told to stay put to not interfere with emergency personnel. Of course, staying put ended up not being a good idea. I have always wondered if, since I am a rule-folower, I would have stayed put heeding the direction of whoever was giving it. OR, since I know when some rules sound ridiculous, I would have started heading out of the buildings because I was following a prompting to get out.

So as I prayed, I knew our safety depended on promptings.

Than we headed to the hotel. We were very calm.

I imagined it would take several hours for a missile to hit Hawaii (assuming it was from North Korea). Dan knew it would only take 15 minutes.

At the main lobby, quite a few people were looking around a bit confused and talking about the alert. But a lot of people were still having breakfast. There was no organized effort to gather or instruct.

False Alarm
Dan thought we should head downstairs to a corridor with no windows. Unfortunately there isn't one. We asked an employee there who turned out to be super helpful. She said they had contacts with The National Guard as well as Oahu and neither had any information there was a missile. So she said right now we should go somewhere where we felt safe and we would be alerted if there was any more information. We asked her if these alerts were common whenever North Korea made a threat. She said not at all.

We decided to walk to a stairwell where we would wait for 15 minutes. However, by the time we got near there, Dan had received word from Chad that the news was confirming it was a mistake. So we headed back to our condo and watched the news.  What a start to our morning!

Then Kristin and I went back on our walk, Dan did his workout and Duncan took the boys down to the beach to play! And the day resumed like normal.

Although on our walk, I was clunked on the head by a closing parking gate! It was open, so I walked past it, and then was thunked on the head as it closed right on top of me! It didn't hurt too bad. Was mostly surprising! And quite funny. It was very confusing because there were no cars ahead of us that would have caused it to open (and therefore logically we would have expected it to close). And while we were standing there figuring out what just happened, the other one opened on its own accord. But note to self: don't walk by open parking gates!

Just a re-enactment!
Today was a hang out at the resort day, except for Duncan who drove around the North Shore to see the sights of Hawaii.

In the evening we drove up to Kaanapali and ate at Duke's with Dan's cousin who lives on the island, David. As it turns out, his wife went to Olympus High, grew up in my Stake and is an older sister to a friend from our old neighborhood! Small, Small world!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Happy Birthday, Nick!

 Another birthday for Nick while in Hawaii!
He got to open presents in the morning and received a new headset for playing video games from Mom and Dad (but chosen and purchased by Chris so it was sure to be the right one!).
Also, a nerf "winged" football from the Shaeffers that is so cool "because it whistles!"

Early birthday dessert at Nick's at the Fairmont. That's really the name of the restaurant!

His birthday request was the whale tour and snorkeling on the Island Star.
We loved getting to share our favorite activity with the Dunc, Kristin, Adam & Curt.

Whales were everywhere today! 
We saw lots of whales backs "logging" so close to the boat. (Just laying near the top of the water.)
Many "tail" sightings and one flapping fin.

Right at the end of the tour, a whale breeched very near us and then the next second it's companion breeched! After that they jumped several times out of the water. Soooo exciting and such a great way to end the tour!

We got back to the resort early afternoon. The adults took naps and the kids played on the beach!
Dinner at Coconuts in Kihei and Shave Ice at Local Boys to end our evening.

Screaming underwater... "Mom, can you hear me?"
I totally remember doing this with Michelle when we were young!

Our newest teenager striking a classic teenager pose!

Beach and Golf Day

It took a full 3 minutes for Nick to get up the courage to jump up on this horse.
He wanted to, but he didn't want to get in trouble.