Friday, January 19, 2018

Nick's B-day Fun

Friday night we took Nick and a few friends Go-Karting for his birthday. Not technically a party, because we don't have parties after elementary school. But more a celebration that he planned with three friends (that turned into 5 friends so no one would feel left out) that we paid for.

Chris came too and brought a friend which made it feel even more celebratory.

After we took Nick's friends to Cafe Rio. And then they wanted to go back to another friend's house to have a sleepover. (Ummm...was that bad manners to drop the kids off back at someone else's house? It felt like it.)

*Our teenager's new favorite word is, "Whatever."
*He's been wearing his headphones wherever he goes.
*For over a year he's been particular about the station we listen to in the car, but now he's plugging his phone in so we can listen to his playlist. One of his new favorites is Macklemore. (Remember when Chris was this age and I thought his favorite Macklemore song was so catchy and cute how they sang about "King Awesome?" And then they informed me that it wasn't what I thought it was because we were listening to the clean version?)
*Quote from today:
Nick: What did you write about for your assignment?
Me: A teenager and a mom.
Nick: Was it about a teenager who you sent to a school that he hated for 5 years?

Welcome teenage-hood.
We may be in for a fun ride.

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