Monday, January 22, 2018

A Great Day

As I got ready to head up to bed last night, I saw my book "Jesus the Christ" sitting next to my scriptures on the coffee table. Both untouched.

I felt a little discouraged that I had an entire Sunday and didn't make time for either. An entire day with no plans except to catch up on a few things and spend the rest of the time reading Jesus the Christ and my scriptures, and I still didn't do it.

A feeling of guilt? disappointment? discouragement? washed over me. How did I let 10 hours go by without doing anything significant? Weren't these the most important things and I didn't do them?!

And then just as quick, what I did do, came to mind:
*Went to church an hour early to participate in the Stake Choir for Stake Conference today. With only 5 altos and 5 sopranos, the director was grateful to everyone who showed up.
*Prepared a crock-pot meal right after church so Nick, Chris and I could all sit down later that day to a Sunday dinner.
*Ate lunch sitting next to Nick at the counter, chatting. Chris, who had said he was going to take a nap, smelled pizza cooking, and came down to join us.
*Got Chris and Nick's memories from our Christmastime giving out lunches to the homeless experience so I could finish that blog post.
*Wrote to Marty and attached photos.
*Finished blogging about our trip to Hawaii.
*Napped for an hour. (But only an hour.)
*Watched Nick out the window as he strapped on skis and went out in the snow.
*Ate dinner with Chris and Nick.
*Had Family Home Evening and a good discussion about their favorite Stake Conference talks. Had a chance to tell them my experiences with 3rd Nephi where Christ instructs them "and it will be given unto them what they should pray for." Then shared my experience with being inspired to pray for my children "that they will know who they are and who they can become." Reminded them that my Patriarchal Blessing tells me I will have "choice children" -- a term that Heavenly Father uses to describe Moroni, Joseph Smith and also Courtney, Marty, Christopher and Nicholas. Told them how special they are and my experience with Chris as a new baby and an overwhelming feeling that I was holding a very special baby in my arms.
*Asked the boys to unload the dishwasher.
*Watched a Modern Family all together.
*Reminded Nick to do his practicing.
*Chris went to Mission Prep with his friends.
*Attended a ward "Parents Council" to discuss our youth in a very positive conversation about social media and phones and learning to use them wisely but remembering they are important and here to stay.
*Got to talk to Dan who is in Mexico for business.
*Ended the evening with telling the boys about the Parent's Council and shared that we acknowledged that phones are not evil, they are useful, as is social media. But we need to use them wisely and at appropriate times.
*Said Family Prayer.
*Tucked Nick into bed. Told him I loved him and that he's an important part of our family.
*Sat in Chris' room as he told me all about mission prep and his favorite story shared tonight. I got to reiterate that I was prompted with a spiritual impression that he is very special. Told him I loved him.

Did I do everything I hoped to do yesterday? No.
But I did not neglect the most important things after all.
It was a great day -- I did good.

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