Saturday, April 30, 2022

Norway Road Trip

Today we saw countryside by van as we left Bergen and drove to Birksdal to see the glacier and Kleivafossen waterfall. Our plan was to then travel to Eidsdal and travel by ferry to Geirenger from  through another fjord and see the famous Seven Sisters Waterfalls. 
But that didn't quite work out as planned.

Our trip was over eight hours by car (Dan and Chad trading off driving) and yet,
the landscape and views were the point so the long drive didn't feel long at all.
Passing glassy lakes, quaint towns and farms tucked, picturesque churches, over steep mountain passes, ski resorts, cabins, a blue glacier, waterfalls and lots of chocolate and great conversation.

One comment the Christensen’s keep making is there’s more snow than they’re used to seeing (they’ve usually come in summer) and it’s not nearly as green--
the trees are just starting to bud. 
But its all we know, and we love it!

Also, the Birksdal waterfall is only a fraction of the flow in summer where the spray soaked visitors standing way back on the bridge!

But we loved it and I especially loved seeing the turquoise water in the pond at the base.
I really couldn't get enough of the color and how clear it was.

We think everything looks amazing
And we LOVE that nothing is crowded!

The water in every lake and fjord has been glassy and the reflections are spectacular. 

After nine hours in the car, we arrived at the last ferry at 6:30 to take us to Geirenger through another fjord to our hotel only to discover it wasn’t running today. The last one had been 4:30 p.m.

Dan did some quick googling and discovered another route around to get us to our hotel. 
It was another two hour drive but we could ferry the opposite direction in the morning back to the town we were currently sitting in.

This is the part where being adults and enjoying each other's company comes in handy--we didn't mind being together for another couple hours. Chad was a good sport to stay in the driver's seat for a while longer and especially at the end braving the HARROWING drive down 11 steep switchbacks to the valley floor and our hotel for the night--our vans breaks squealing at every turn.
I did everything I could to look up the mountain instead of down to the gorge below, and apparently I wasn’t the only one--later everyone admitted we were all kinda terrified. 

Switchbacks don't look nearly as frightening from below as they did from up top.

But we made it and our views are stunning. 
They kept the kitchen open for us. Fish again and I'm still not even tired of it.
So fresh and tender and delicious.

View from our room.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Norway in a Nutshell

The morning portion of today’s 12 hour tour took us from Bergen to Voss to Myrdal to Flam by city train then the vintage Flam train before boarding a boat after lunch (after the boat, a bus, then a tram and finally another train!)
It wasn't an organized tour where you had to stay with a group. Instead your tickets bought you passage on all the various transportation for the day, but we went at our own pace. 

Chad and Kristin have commented there is a lot more snow than they've seen on their past trips in the summer (and less green), but not near the shoulder-to-shoulder crowds.

We loved traveling through the countryside dotted with small villages nestled in valleys,
Beautiful homes -- quite large -- green yards, all well-tended. Daffodils everywhere as well as Norwegian flags flying. 

We had a couple of hours for lunch at the train station in Flam while we waited for the ferry.
Quite a few charming hotels but not many homes in Flam.
I would think people would stay just a night or two as a break from a road/train trip to enjoy the beautiful scenery or hiking before heading off to cruise the fjord. 
The mountains are rugged and spectacular. They've definitely got a Swiss vibe.
(Or does Switzerland have a Norway vibe?)

Lunch was delicious and I've continued my fish streak by ordering fish 'n chips.
I think I’ve had cod I’m some form at every meal so far and it’s delicious. Grilled in Stockholm, fish pie in Bergen and now fish ‘n chips in Flam. Won't ever get tired of it.

After lunch we had time to play scum (with cards) before boarding our river cruise.

Boarded a boat in Flam to sail through the majestic cliffs and waterfalls 
of the fjords Aurlandsfjord and Naeroyfjord in Aurdal and Undredal.
So spectacular.

Kjossfossen waterfall from the boat cruise.

The water is so glassy we can't get over how beautiful the reflections are!

From the above sweet little town, Gudvangen we caught the bus to Voss before boarding the train back to Bergen.

In Voss we took the gondola up to a ski resort just to check it out. The res closed but plenty of people were hoisting cross-country skis assuming they were cutting their own paths. 

An additional mode of transportation for the day was by swing, cutting across a snow-packed route to the edge of the mountain. It was worth it for me, Dan and Chad who were willing to dash out for the fun of it. 

Dan took some convincing (meaning I ditched him and he reluctantly followed, but was glad he did.)

Mural in the Bergen train station. It's after 9:00, we've been gone for 12 hours 
but the time has sped by. We are loving this trip!
We've never travelled without our children for this long. We've had a couple of seven day cruises, but usually we keep it to five days. But I have to say, it's so nice to not be ticking off the days from the moment we arrive. Ten days is a luxurious amount of time to have to vacation!

It looks like daylight, but this pic was actually taken at 9:30 at night!

Heading out early tomorrow for another big travel day. Moving on to another city and exploring along the ways -- 10 hours by car and ferry!