Sunday, September 17, 2023

Emi's First Birthday Party

This morning we left Indianapolis and landed in Denver so we could celebrate Emi's birthday! 

Lizzie's brother and sil, Dave and Steph and their two children were also visiting for the week, as well as her other sister, Erica! While the babies were napping, everyone pitched in to help with decorations and prep the taco bar and it reminded me of working with my sisters to get everything ready for a party.

Siblings are the best!

Emi loved opening her presents and got a xylophone, chat books, a baby doll,
doll stroller, wooden puzzles, board books and a toy car.
She was a very eager present opener, curious to see what was in the gift bags.
(She's also really good at pointing and helping everyone figure out what she wants!)

We walked to the park after presents and Emi showed us how well she can go down the slide,
climbing up the stairs and turning around all by herself so she can go down on her tummy.
(Marty taught her how to do it at My Gym!)

It's so fun to see her personality and all the things she's learning.

After the park, it was time for the finishing party touches and to sing Happy Birthday.
Lizzie made a darling smash cake, but Emi surprised everyone by genteely wiping at the frosting, then holding her hand out to the nearest person to see if they wanted a taste.

After realizing how good it was, she definitely dug in more freely, 
but she was more interested in real food.

Lizzie and Marty invited two other families to join us for dinner and a party.
One has a little boy just days younger than Emi and they've been best friends since birth :-)

The other family is from their ward with young children and third on the way.
We loved meeting their friends and are so happy they have neighborhood friends! 

We loved getting to celebrate with Emi, Marty & Lizzie, and LOVE being grandparents!!

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