Saturday, September 02, 2023

Saturday is a Special Day

I power washed the back patio today and seeing that black ground-in dirt melt away was soooo satisfying!

We also watched Jacob play football.
It was so fun to see "Adair" on a jersey! 
I remember when Michael played football and thought it was a big step 
to our family finally becoming cool 😂

There's nothing quite so great as watching fall sports when the weather is perfect.
No rain, no heat. Fall perfection.

Michael was even a sideline assistant. He's so handsome!

BeReal at Beaumont 
(Tiffany and I just ate here yesterday, but I never get tired of all the delicious options.)

Mt. Olympus is so green right now! It almost looks like spring.
Pretty soon the colors will be changing.

We've already got a tree changing in our yard!
September is announcing its arrival.
Maybe everyone feels this way about their birthday month,
but September is my favorite and I've always felt lucky that it's "my" month.
I love fall. I love the colors. I love the temps.
But I have to say, I'm still enjoying summer. I don't feel "relieved" yet that it's cooling off.

Look who found each other at the first BYU game!
Cute Chris organized his buddies to all go to the game.
He even borrowed Dan's shirt.
(It's easy to cheer for the rival when his Utes are so superior and beat Florida this week!)

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