Monday, September 25, 2023

Hanging in the Hood

Another Rainy Day.

I went to a Pure Barre class in the neighborhood --
my first live Barre class -- and had such a great time.
Sometimes its so nice to show up for a workout and do what they say instead of having to
motivate myself to follow along with the video.
(And sometimes its nice to follow along with a video and not have to GO somewhere!
Funny how life is like that.)

Dan worked at the car club today while I worked at the kitchen counter
(somehow that sounds very fancy compared to mundane, but he was taking one for the team by going elsewhere while I got to stay home and work on this rainy day.)

I started on revisions and planned Instagram for the next couple of weeks.
Who would have EVER thought that would be part of our culture?! 
Are we making life wayyyyy more complicated? And for what?
Every single teacher, agent and editor who I've learned from 
(let's say at least 15) 
have said if we want to get published, we have to have a platform -- 
at least one source of social media we are regulars on. 
I resisted for a couple of years, but here I am,
now spending part of my work day planning my posts for the next month.

Tonight we went to dinner with friends of Dan's who moved from San Diego to New York a couple of years ago. Steve is a financial advisor and brings clients to Cottonwood.
His wife knows Rachel from Cottonwood events (of course she loves her).
It was fun to meet them and Erin and I are going to try to meet up again when we're back in town.

More rain in the forecast tomorrow.
Ugh. I really want to try riding my bike!
And going outside without getting wet.

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