Friday, June 01, 2018

Tooth 18

Crap. My crown fell off tonight.

But on the bright side, there's a very weird coincidence happening... 
This morning I had a dentist appointment and everything was ALMOST just fine. Until he looked at the x-rays and was concerned about Tooth 18. There was decay. Under the crown.

I was so disappointed I hardly knew what to say. The crown is only a year old. He said he could cut off the old crown, fix the decay then make a new crown and replace it right in his office. "Well, how do I even know you do good crowns?" I asked. His dental hygienist chimed in that he did one for her. (Not a very credible source. Wouldn't it be weird if you didn't have the guy you worked for do your crowns?)

I said I'd phone the guy who did my crowns who is a specialist but I can't remember the title. I had to Google it. And him. But the office was closed today. 

And then tonight, as I ate an almond butter Perfect Bar (soft), suddenly I was chomping on my tooth. The crown is intact, so hopefully they can reuse it? I'm not sure how this works. So I guess it's good that it came off because it needed to come off anyway. 

But it's crappy to have your teeth fall out.
Safe and sound. Almost like its waiting for the tooth fairy.

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