Thursday, June 14, 2018

Lake Blanche Hike

While the landscapers were busy installing grass, Dan and I hiked to Lake Blanche. It's 3.2 miles (one-way) from the road where we parked and took about 1:30 up at 1:10 down. Approx. 3,300 in elevation gain. So we figured its roughly about the same distance and elevation as Grandeur Peak.   From 8 -11 a.m, Lake Blanche hike was mostly shaded the whole way up and down. Grandeur Peak is more exposed.

Several campers were coming down -- we're totally going to camp when Nick is away!

Responsible Nick did his practicing, reading (A Wrinkle in Time), exercise, chores (washing windows) and made himself breakfast while we were gone. He really impressed Cliff who watched him get a chair so he could reach the tall windows.

Thursday evening Jo Ellen and EC came over for dinner and then we headed to Provo for a Weaver cousin's wedding. Tonight's menu was BBQ chicken, bacon and pineapple shishkabobs with grilled sweet potatoes. Delish.



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