Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Incredibles at the Drive-In

Parenting Tip:
A good way to get your teenagers to come with you on family activities, is to let them invite friends. 
We watched The Incredibles 2 at the Drive-In -- one of my favorite summer traditions.
It was uncharacteristically crowded which meant it was a little like watching a movie on an iPod.
But its the experience that makes it so much fun.

Nick had the good idea to load up the LoveSac in the back of the truck.
He and Anders claimed that space for themselves.
Chris and friends brought a couple more trucks.

Dan, EC and I sat on camp chairs and munched on popcorn and 
(healthy) coconut shakes we brought from home.

So glad we got EC to come too! It didn't start until 9:30 and still she was game!

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