Tuesday, June 12, 2018

29 Years!!!

Today is the 29th anniversary of mine and Dan's first date! Still the best summer of my life!
Love you!

Courtney got the saddest news today. Not "end of the world" news, not really. But it kind of feels like it. She's been told her landlord isn't going to renew her lease. What?! We just spent four days talking non-stop about how amazing her apartment is. Perfect location. Perfect view. Perfect layout. Perfect balcony. Perfect storage. Perfectly clean bathroom tile and kitchen. And now perfectly clean windows. Oh sad!

I made creamy cauliflower alfredo sauce for dinner. I had red sauce as a back up. I thought it would be fun to try out the recipe, with the idea that if it turned out gross, it was ok because when cooking, sometimes you have to take risks. It turned out A.Maz.Ing. Fast and easy. And healthy! What?! Nick and Chris even ate it -- by choice! What?! Dan and I added it to this recipe with zucchini noodles and made regular noodles for the boys. Make it now! (Dan grilled the chicken and we ate outside. Just documenting that we seriously are grilling practically every day!)

Chris and friends went tubing down the river yesterday. Sadly, it's pretty low already so not as exciting as they were hoping. (But safe, at least.)

I turned in my final assignment for my short story class just now -- my rewrite of my workshop piece. Always a good feeling to accomplish something.

And I got my haircut today and she styled it with beachy waves. It looks so cute but I won't be able to document it with a photo because I just tried to take two selfies and they looked lame.

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