Monday, January 01, 2024

2024 Goal Planning

Today was New Year perfection!
The whole day was dedicated to goal setting and planning,
making lists and organizing tools to implement my goals.

It always starts in the sunroom with a journal and a pen
and an extra pad of paper for good measure.
(Pilot FriXion erasable pens are super handy as well! Thanks, Sheree!)

(Side note: Another little flower is opening up on another succulent. 
I thought it was so great until I realized they're supposed to be 
hibernating and recharging and storing up energy during the winter.
I think I need to turn the radiant heat down.
And consider the metaphor. 

But not today, because I'm excited about the prospects for the new year!)

I won't detail all my goals (but you can zoom in on the journal if your curious),
but a few that I'm excited about.

1) 500 hours outside. I've heard of the 1000 hours outside movement--I think for home schooled children--but when doing the math for myself and considering we have cold winters, I needed to start smaller. 
500 hours still seems challenging, but I'm going to give it a try.
I'm hoping that prioritizing outside time will get me exercising outside even more, even in winter.

Along with this challenge, I'm going outside for my morning endorphins
as prescribed by Nick and Chris and modeled by Sharon McMahon, bundled up on her front porch.
Shooting for 15 minutes daily. The time it takes to do my NYT mini, Wordle and Connections--outside.

2) Daily stretching on YogaBody (thanks Instagram ads) and a new strength training routine, Caroline's Circuits (also an Instragram ad). Last year's movement wasn't rigorous enough and I just can't get super excited about barre again (I love it, but I need a new routine that I trust and I can't find it).
I'm trying both of these for 28 days and will evaluate if they're the right amount of challenge.
I'm super flexible, but that mindset has blinded me to some problem areas--tight hip flexors and ankles.

3) Dan and I have plans for a learn to cook something new together night; learn something new from a book or podcast and discuss it together one night a week; make a travel bucket list; and listen to a Come Follow Me podcast on Sundays.

4) Read 75 books in 2024! I read 44 last year, and with my new found discovery of Audible, 
I'm reaching for reading one book a week and listening to a book every two weeks.
Whew! Let's see what I get to!

I was able to get registered for my new apps, give Day 1 a try and plan with Dan.
On top of it all Dan and I took down all the mantle and banister garland and I half-heartedly 
started taking down more of Christmas.
And, I worked on my lists and planning with the two big football games on in the background.
Chris' friend McKay came over and watched UW win in a nail biter with Dan and Chris.
It was so fun to hear their chatter and reminded me of so many years ago when his friends
would gather and hang out. 
Then UW pulled off the win and it was a great end to a great, great day.

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