Friday, January 05, 2024

Surprise Snow

It's been snowing all day and wasn't predicted in the forecast.
There are only a few inches in the ground,
but the snowy surprise was so delightful.

The Christmas lights on all the houses look so much more magical when layered with snow.
Even Chris commented how pretty and Christmasy it looked outside.

The only downside is I was in flip flops running errands because I had a pedicure
because we're going to Hawaii soon! Glad I was here for a couple of days of snow
and didn't miss it all!

Dan and I saw Boys in the Boat this evening. 
The UW spirit was all encompassing and I wished I'd worn my UW sweatshirt.
And in one scene when the announcer shouted,
"The UW Huskies are overtaking the Columbia Lions,"
my heart almost burst with pride. 

It was a feel-good movie, but quite thin on plot.
Read the book! Please, read the book!
It's so so so good.

I got a few pampering treats from Sheree and Tiffany for Christmas and am so excited to 
try them out. Gifts of friends' favorites are the best.

In all our Christmas clean-up, I found two little binky's.
Missing Emi!

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