Sunday, January 14, 2024

Celebrating Nick's Nineteenth

Dan, Chris and I met Nick down in Provo for lunch to celebrate his birthday.
On his actual birthday, Friday, we were in Hawaii, and Nick flew to Alabama because 
the next day he was breaking in the new engine
on his Mazda before his first race. 
So he was by himself the whole day! But he was a good sport about it.
He said driving the Mazda was a blast and he hung out with the two owners of the team
who are in their 50's and 60's and he said they were pretty cool.
Welcome to growing up.

The night before his birthday he went to Korean BBQ with his buddies, so there was celebrating.
Just not on the actual day.

Afterward we went to see his apartment and watch (the terrible!) Cowboys/Packers playoff game.

(Nick put the bow on the door for Christmas. Isn't he cute?)

They bought a cold plunge for their back porch.

A disappointed group of Shaeffers watching the miserable game.
(Zoom in to see the little Christmas trees and reindeer Nick bought to decorate for Christmas)

They love their space and have made it very homey 
(someday they'll get the couch from Will's house!)

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