Friday, July 05, 2024

Watkins Glen Gorge

Nick, Dan and C. Stone left early this morning for practice at the track.
Marty had some work to do (remote) and Lizzie and I played with Emi
until lunchtime when we got a text that Chris, Courtney and Michael had arrived!

They bought Thai food in town and we met them at a park to eat and Emi could play.

Back at the house Courtney discovered another door leading to the basement.

And a door leading to a dark room with another door leading to the dead bodies.
There weren't any currently, if you were wondering.

But there was writing on the mirror in the dust and we weren't 
sure it was there when we arrived.

Courtney & Michael took Emi to play tennis.

In the afternoon we walked through the Gorge at Watkins Glen State Park.
It was so beautiful! Dozens of waterfalls, bridges and pools.

I love exploring new places with all my family!

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