Monday, July 22, 2024

Tunnels and Boats

Marty introduced Emi to the tunnel today and he got the equivalent of a second Spartan race.
"More, more tunnel!"

Last Saturday, while the boys were at the Dodgers game,
and Lizzie was getting pedicures with her sisters,
I took Emi to the pool to swim. 

After we were done, we found a boat and floated it down the irrigation ditch,
watching it go into the bushes, then "run, run, running" around to the bridge to watch it appear,
then go under the bridge and nabbing it on the other side.
Or run, run, running to catch it before it floated into the neighbor's yard.

Oh, Emi loved the game! 
"More, more, little red boat!"

Lizzie brought home lunch and we ate by the pool and I got to enjoy time with her and her sisters which was so fun! They are a fun trio.

I went inside to "help" by listening for Emi when she woke up for her nap,
but really to take a nap myself and let the sisters have some time just the three of them.
Sisters are the best.

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