Tuesday, July 02, 2024


Beautiful ride to The Middle Fork 

Documenting the distance one way.
Thinking this would be a fun ATV ride with friends--its a great picnic spot,
and six miles less one-way than ATV'ing to the Falls.

On the way home we saw two large turkeys crossing the road and a dozen chicks.

We arrived home, ate lunch then packed up a kayak and paddleboard
and headed to Williams Reservoir. 

I could have used a nap, but I did want to inflate both on our own
and get a realistic experience of how to do it and how long it takes without distraction of other people.

Glad we did, because it was EASY! Took us 10 minutes to blow up the kayak,
(we also figured out that you turn the hose before taking it off and the air won't escape),
put the paddles together, and get on the water.

There were a lot of people on the beaches and on the water. Glad we didn't miss the party!

We paddled to a beach near the dam, then 90* along the other shore,
then back to the dock and along that shore to our car.

We put the kayak away then blew up the paddleboard, even though we didn't want to go back out.
We wanted to know what it was like to inflate.
EASY. Took five minutes.

On the way home six vultures were hanging out across the road from our gate.

We had dinner with Marty and Erin tonight at their place,
on their porch overlooking the river.
I wish I'd taken a picture.

When we got back to our place, Dan cleaned out the water gate at the top of the hill 
and I collected rocks--and fantasized about putting together a rock ID kit.

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