Monday, July 01, 2024


Dan and I are spending a few days in Pagosa before flying to Watkins Glen for Nick's next race.
It's rained 4" in the last week--1" just yesterday and everything is green, green, green.
What a beautiful site!

Last month our landscaper was worried about a dry summer and water levels
because the snow had already mostly runoff by end of May.

We are grateful for the rain.

We brought food from home so drove straight to camp  the ranch.
I need to get used to calling our place in Pagosa its new name.
Or can we just still call it camp?

We put out the couch cushions and then took a long, long nap outside.

Afterward I walked around until I found a perfect spot for giant swings and a treehouse.

At dusk we drove to the top of the hill in the Ranger and turned on the waterfall
and inspected the water ditches. We spotted some really neat rocks.
I think they're big stones of quartz, but I need to do some research.

Then we drove to the other side of the property to look at the tree that fell last winter
and imagine where a stairway could go to the part of the river that doesn't have road access.

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