Sunday, July 14, 2024

End of a Season

End of a Season.
Nick's last Porsche race and Mazda Cup was this weekend in Toronto.

Nick ordered stickers to add to the car--the Ecuadorian flag and his soon-to-be badge.
Getting read to say goodbye to the helmet and hello to the nametag.

Last race walk.

Yesterday morning I stamped and addressed his farewell announcements
while watching the Porsche race.
(They started 14th and ended 14th which felt like a win.)

The Nugents watched his Mazda race with me yesterday before we got in the pool.

Today was the last Mazda race. He ended up in 11th which was pretty good considering he started 
at 17th because of a penalty he received in qualies. 
He said he was battling a few cars (Sally Mott and Peter Atwater), so the race was challenging,
but also not too much pressure. He's intact and the car's intact--a great way to finish.

Dan reported that it was a somber goodbye from the team--they'll all miss Nick
and hope to see him back in two years.
The NBC announcer even found Dan to give his goodbyes and tell him what an impressive kid Nick is.

Sounds like just by being himself--level-headed, kind, taking bad luck in stride along with driving well--
Nick has quietly made a good impression. 
What a great way to transition to literally wearing Christ's name over his heart for the next two years.

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