Friday, July 26, 2024

Paris Olympics 2024

I have been BUSY today querying more agents, prepping for online pitching tomorrow
more reviews and edits of my manuscript (including spell check and grammar check),
and lots of research into self-publishing (cover design, interior formatting for ebook and print). 
I've had tabs for eight agents opened on my desktop since June. Or maybe March.
It felt reallllly good to close those babies.
Dan and Nick are in Atlanta so I'm home alone and the hours flew by. 

I just finished watching the Olympic Opening Ceremonies in Paris,
thanks to a friend who texted a reminder to watch.

Loved the boat parade down the Seine! 
I got a little teary at the Olympians representing refugees. Wow.
Singing Imagine.
Also the oldest Olympian--cyclist--who helped light the final torch.

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