Monday, July 15, 2024

A Good Thing.

 You know what I did last night?

After a farewell in the morning for darling Lucy H.

Then Nick's Mazda race at noon.

And assisting in Primary with Leslie (and even being asked to help assist in singing time with a Pioneer Song round that I really goofed up, in classic Angela now that up here I can't remember any words or how to sing style, but it's primary so we can all just laugh).

And finishing my book that was a total slog and so disappointing because I'd been so excited to read it.

Kershaw and I took a Sunday drive and I bought a Little Caesar's Pizza for dinner.
It felt like such a splurge (not the $7.99, but the whole pizza just for me).

It may have not lived up to all my fantasies I had when the kids and their friends brought home Little Caesars so often and I really wanted some, but I didn't want to seem like a pig or steal their hard-earned dinner, so I rarely asked for a slice.

But it was pretty great to have a whole pizza to myself and eat as much as I wanted. (Half.)
And was a really great end to Sunday.

I miss Dan and Nick and really can't wait until their home tonight!
(Which is weird because I usually really look forward to weekends alone. 
Which I guess is to say, you really can have too much of a good thing.)

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