Saturday, July 27, 2024

Everyone, Everywhere

Christopher came home this morning and we went to Sharon's Cafe after I picked him up at the airport.
When he took off with friends, I spent the afternoon pitching three agents at an online conference
and between pitches, sending my query to four more. So that's 15 this weekend. 

One agent I prefaced our interview with "I know your bio says you're looking for Happy.
I'm worried my book might be too sad for you. I just want to, you know, give you a trigger warning!"
She said, she didn't mind books that explore grief. She just hates when a character dies at the end.
Good news! Mine dies at the beginning. So. 
(She was darling. It was a lot of fun meeting two of the three agents I talked to.)


Meanwhile, Dan, Nick and Corey were racing a WRL enduro in Atlanta.
Nick's team started at P19 and he passed 9 cars. 
Dan said it was the best he'd seen him drive and Nick said it was super fun passing so many.

Meanwhile, in Dan's double stint, the A/C got turned off and he overheated.
Not the car. Dan. Said he was feeling a little spacey for a few laps.
Someone caught a pic of him when he got out.

They finished P8.
A super aggressive jerk in a Mercedes passed Nick on a Full course yellow then later, heading into the pits, he cut across traffic and right in front of Nick slammed on his brakes, causing Nick to hit him and it took the car out. The guy got a two-lap penalty twice for both infractions. But still. Grrr.
So Nick's team wasn't able to finish.


Marty and Lizzie are at the ranch with the Rosen family this weekend.
Reports are they're having a great time!


I love this sign I saw on my walk today.
If I believed in yard signs, I'd get one for my yard.

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