Monday, July 08, 2024

Me Time

What have I done today?

I ate an acai bowl for breakfast because I am craving healthy whole foods,
got out before it got hot and walked through my old neighborhood (extra hills for extra exercise),
ran into an old friend from Cottonwood Elementary with children both Courtney's and Marty's ages.
We caught up on each other's children and our own latest happenings and I left her grateful for all the people who we don't send Christmas cards to but remember fondly for their longtime friendship over the many years we parented together.

Back at home I did my stretch and strength exercises, not worried about the time
because today I had all the time in the world.

Then I packed up a large bag of books, scriptures and journal, put on my bathing suit,
and laid out by the pool to work on my tan,
(I'm really trying to get tan legs this summer. 
It sounds vain and trivial, but it matters to me.
...Rachel also recommended a self-tanner she loves in case my sunning goals don't work out!)

I started a new book and read for over an hour.
I sat in the shade and read scriptures and journaled and meal-planned,
in between running inside and switching out the laundry.

Finally I showered and cleaned up and went grocery shopping.
Made a new-to-me couscous and veggie salad to complement
the salmon and asparagus Dan grilled after work.

We ate outside and lingered, 
then went inside to do a little work and went to bed early.

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