Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Circle of LIfe

 Morning in the pool with Marty, Lizzie and Emi. 
Emi jumping off the diving board--no fear! (Wearing water wings, of course.)

Evening with Dan, me and the three of them,
bouncing on the trampoline (I can still do a backflip!),
duck, duck, goose with Emi,

then sending the little red boat down the "river" (irrigation ditch) again and again.
Teaching Lizzie some basic skills on the trampoline
and remembering what a workout just jumping is.

After Emi was in bed, we watched home videos of Marty when he was Emi's age--
his two-year-old birthday party with Sheree and Jared, a pinata, basketball cake and lots of presents
(of which he was only most interested in the first one).

More videos when he was almost four and Courtney almost six and Chris almost born.

Time, be gentle.

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