Sunday, July 07, 2024

3rd Place and Palmyra

The car was ready to race by 7:30 a.m.!
The mechanics were up until 3:30 a.m. installing the new engine
and putting it back together again, then working on the alignment.

Nick started at P3, moved to P2 on the first lap, 
got passed early in the race but held up for a strong 3rd.

So fun to be there in person to see him podium.
(Ian P. who took him out yesterday apologized--on the podium, 
while he was being interviewed--for yesterday's crash.
We thought it was pretty cool to own up to the responsibility.)

Back at the house we packed up and said our goodbyes to Courtney, Michael

and Christopher, who were driving back to Ithaca to catch flights home.
Chris was flying into Hurricane Beryl in Houston, so that makes an interesting arrival home.

Lizzie realized Palmyra was only an hour away, 
and our flight for the rest of us wasn't until 5:00.
So we toured the Smith Family Farm, Sacred Grove and Hill Cumorah.

I wanted to get a selfie of all of us in front of the Christus statue,
but we weren't sure if it was sacreligious. So we didn't.

Goodbye Watkins Glen, Seneca Lake and the Finger Lakes region! 
Beautiful country. It's been so fun to be all together!
But, I'm ready to be home. 

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