Saturday, July 13, 2024

Impromptu Pool Party

This is the summer of impromptu pool parties.
Today, the Nugents had a six hour layover in SLC coming home from Italy.
I picked them up from the airport and the Nugent siblings and parents took care of food & drinks.
And while everyone thanked me for opening our home (pool), I felt lucky to get to spend time with everyone, enjoy a party out at the pool and not even have plan or lift a finger!

Sheree, Jared and Soren came too and even brought Soleil!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, 
I love my sisters' (and brother's) in-laws and claim them as my own family.
And extends beyond parents in-law to their siblings and kids.
In school I told Nick that Cole N. was his cousin. He's our cousin's cousin and that's really the same thing.
Anyone who loves my family, I love. 
I feel the same about Petersens and Rosens. Lizzie and Michael's siblings feel like my own relatives.

Marty and EC loved my sisters and brother like family and I aim to be the same.
The more, the merrier.

Before we knew it, everyone cleaned up with not a speck of trash or dirt left behind,
and I was on my way back to the airport sending Bekah, Matt and kids home.

And I finished the night with ice cream and a few episodes of Trying
(Which is a really sweet, clean and funny show if you're looking for something good.)

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