Sunday, July 28, 2024

Nick's a Missionary!

Nick was set apart as a missionary today after church!

Our closing hymn in Sacrament Meeting was "Carry On," which I love.
Funny thing, a few months prior to Courtney leaving to college,
the song by fun.,--with the same name--became my little anthem about her leaving.

By spring of 2013, when it her leaving started getting real, I ruminated on a particular thought:
Have I hugged her enough?!

 The song "Carry On" (by fun., not the hymn) always made me cry thinking of her journey to come.

If you're lost and alone, or you're sinkin' like a stone
Carry on...
May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground
Carry on...

So singing "Carry On" sacrament meeting was a little tender mercy.
For both my two bookends and also the two in between.
"O youth of the noble birthright, carry on, carry on, carry on!" 


Attending Nick's setting apart was Nick and Chris, me and Dan, our bishop and the stake president.

I opened with a prayer.
Our Stake President, Greg Hoole, is a longtime family friend 
and has known Nick since he was born. He started by giving great counsel.
Be yourself. Be obedient. Love the people, love your companions. 

Then Chris, me and Dan each took a turn sharing with Nick the strengths we saw in him,
words of wisdom, and our love.

Our bishop related the missionary experience to the caterpillar. It's got a pretty great life.
But if you embrace the transition, you will grow wings and become more beautiful than you ever imagined.

Finally, Nick got to share specific words of love to each of us.

Then President Hoole set Nick apart.
I was going to try to remember what he said,
but the only thing I can remember is blessed Nick with love for his companions and the people of Ecuador and also loyalty and patience.

We had a late lunch/early dinner before we all took Chris to the airport.
We were laughing that we all cried in the meeting saying "goodbye" to Nick,
but Nick is staying home for another 10 days and it's Chris who we sent on the plane.

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