Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Thanksgiving Point Luminaria

I'm enjoying every little Christmas task this December.

Last year, out of habit, I got all the Christmas jobs done early:
(creating and mailing cards, decorating, buying and delivering neighbor gifts).
When I had four children at home, I tried to do all of those jobs by December 1,  
so I could better enjoy the rest of the month with all the kid's recitals, parties, and classes.

(I even planned the entire month's meals on the way home from Thanksgiving. 
Many a plane flight I spent with my notebook page numbered 1-31 
and brainstorming food for each night.
That way I avoided, in a very busy month, what is often the hardest task of all:
thinking of what to have for dinner.)

But last year, with only one child at home, the month ended up being quiet.
And didn't feel as festive as I would have liked.
(I was also sick three times in November and December, plus had my throat treatment.)

So this year, I've planned a bunch of parties,
and enjoying extra decorating touches and changing my mindset from 
"get it done" to "enjoy every day."

So when I realized I'd forgotten some people on my neighborhood gift list,
instead of feeling stressed or frustrated, I remembered my life is different now 
and I'm not in a hurry. I would enjoy the errand and enjoy gifting to our neighbors 
and showing love.

Tonight we were invited to a dinner, piano concert and Luminaria 
at Thanksgiving Point. 
We make a donation each year, not a ton, but I guess that's how we got on the list.
(Candidates for bigger donations?)

Well, it was a fun night out and we met interesting people across the table from us.
Dinner and the pianist were fantastic.
And the Luminaria is so festive.

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