Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Book Club Besties

It's been a while since our book club has met. 
The pandemic got in the way of our monthly meetings, and when we considered starting back again late 2020, I had my novel writing class once a week and then WorD every other week when class ended,
and I didn't want to have another weeknight commitment.

But I've missed my old friends, so when Twig and I corresponded via Instagram, 
we decided we should see if anyone was available for our traditional December dinner at Porcupine Grill.
Debbie moved to Oregon and Sheila and Lisa weren't available. 
And a few days before Lindsey fell off a ladder and broke her shoulder!

But Andrea, Twig, me and Sarah had the best time catching up,
reconnecting and sharing highs and lows.
And just like book club meetings in the past, we didn't talk about books at all
because the other things were much more important.

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