Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday with C, M, L & Emi

Where oh where are my pictures of Emi?
Marty, Lizzie & Emi arrived yesterday and we are in heaven with them here!

We went to Bonsai for dinner (but first we changed clothes into clothes we didn't mind washing,
because, you know.)

Today Dan and Nick left to Florida for Nick's first time practicing in the Mazda's.
Marty, Lizzie and I were kept busy in the back row of church entertaining Emi.

When we got home we got out all the violins--a small one with no strings on the violin or bow--
that Emi can bang around.

Can you believe she gets super upset when her mom and dad play the violin? 
Even if one of them are holding her.
She's recently also traumatized by the Happy Birthday song! 
(At Bonsai yesterday it didn't bother her when they sang at other tables, 
but when they sang to the little girl turning 10 at ours, Emi's eyes got big and she immediately started crying! Happens quite frequently, apparently.)

We also got out the half-size and 3/4 size so her parents could play and 
we could try a little "exposure therapy." 
Guess what situation she did the best? 
When she was able to play the piano while someone else played the violin!
She also was fine on her mom's lap while I impressed everyone playing Perpetual Motion.

Still in the mood for music, Lizzie and I played a couple Christmas song duets on the piano!
We're going to practice each day!

Marty and Chris had a wings smorgasborg and friends over for the Cowboys game,
(Ugh! It was a disappointing blowout) while Lizzie and I enjoyed hanging out and talking.

When the game was over, Marty joined us and we had more great conversation 
and reminiscing. 

In the evening, after Emi was in bed, Marty had a League of Legends tournament
and Lizzie and I started a puzzle.
Chris hung out with us and so there I was with the two best question-askers 
and getting to dive deep with the two of them.

Marty was "shook" when he came down at 12:30 and we were still talking and working on the puzzle!
We forced ourselves to stop at 1:00 a.m.
I always need decompression time before bed (I really should start a new book)
so it was 2:30 when I finally went to sleep. 

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