Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Tu nunca estas...

Nick and I got working on his Visa today.
A quick errand to get a notarized copy of his local background/criminal history check.
(None. Not that I thought that there would be any.)
And they were so efficient and wise (we gave you two copies in case one gets lost!)
that we had time to book it downtown to the capitol to get it apostilled.
(Not sure what it means, just following directions.)

Our map showed us arriving at 4:00, the end of the two-hour walk-up window.
I thought we should risk it. Nick thought we shouldn't.
But he was pretty easy to convince with a wider swath of where we could eat afterwards
(anywhere between downtown and home..)
We arrived at 4:04 and knew it could go a few ways.
1) They might close at 4:00 and the office locked up. 
2) They could be total bureaucrats, stringent with clocks and rules 
and tap their watches and frown that we didn't make the window.
3) They could be kind and flexible.

We ran up the stairs, burst into the office, acknowledged we were past the window,
and the cute gal at the desk just laughed and said, "Only a few minutes. How can I help?"
Five minutes later we our errand was complete and we were on our way.

God bless efficient, kind, people who enjoy helping people and are good at their jobs.


I've done really well at keeping up with Duolingo for a month.
Even while traveling. 

But this is a sentence I keep missing over and over and over,
and others like it -- I can never remember where the qualifier goes!

(But are you super impressed I know that word is called "a qualifier?" I am.
I'd LOVE to take 9th grade English again when I'd appreciate that diagramming sentences is actually setting you up for a strong foundation in English and writing.)

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