Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Feels Like Home

I am home.
I have slept in my own bed.
I'm on London time.
But I'm sitting on the couch all day watching TV.

HUGE thank you to Nick who OFFERED to picked me up at the airport at 12:30 a.m.
I was SO HAPPY I didn't have to deal with an uber when I was tired.
And then I found out he'd been up at 6:30 a.m. driving from Monterey to San Jose 
to catch a flight home from his test weekend at Laguna Seca. 
He's extra tired and he still did this for me (without even being asked). 

AND, Chris had a couple of friends over who wanted him to teach them how to do
back flips on the trampoline. I snuck to watch for a second and make sure he 
remembered to start with a peanut-roll before moving on to the flip, 
but he knew exactly what to do and those college-age boys came inside
SO EXCITED that they'd learned how to do back flips for the first time ever 

During the movie in heaven will we look back on the time that I taught all my kids to do backflips on the trampoline and discover it was one of the things that made all the difference?

If Nick puts hammocks in the trees soon, it will feel officially like summer.
Chris on the tramp, Nick in the hammocks. I love those memories.

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