Thursday, May 30, 2024

Album Cover

Dan and Chris were on the road by 6:30 a.m. for a 3:00 tee-time in Clovis,
dinner plans in Lubbock with Mark Mitchell and 
another hour drive to their stopping place for the night.

Meanwhile, the girls and I had a leisurely morning.
then talked and talked before figuring out our plans for the day.

While Anne had remote meetings, the rest of us rode the ATV's and hiked 
Box Canyon to the bridge. We saw a snake and I was relatively calm,
just stopping suddenly and quickly backing up!

We took turns catching up everyone on each of our kids.

Back at the ranch we ate a late lunch then played Frisbee Golf, 
obstacle course style, and realized none of us are very good.

We all crammed in the Ranger to go to the Old Schoolhouse at sunset,

and Jenn was determined to capture a photo of all of us.

...which turned out to be a pretty artsy album cover pic.

And we learned Carol has an eye for lighting.

Back at the property as we headed up the drive, Edie pointed out a deer.
I saw it darting across the hill, but it was much, much faster than a deer.
And it didn't prance like a deer, it bounded.
Someone else said, "I think its a coyote."
But it was much, much bigger than a coyote.
Pretty sure it was a mountain lion. A first for me, in Pagosa.

We ate dinner at 9:00 and stayed up until midnight talking and laughing,
sharing Nate Bargatze videos and Memes.

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