Sunday, May 12, 2024

6th Place Finish on Mother's Day

Today's race was an early 8:35 start!
We watched from the opposite side of the track as yesterday and loved this new perspective.

We made the race page!
(Too bad we weren't wearing our orange today!)

Nick held strong at 9th and 10th throughout. 
Towards the end, two cars in front of him spun out and he passed both for 8th place!
It was so exciting!! 

Then something happened to Jared, a top driver, and he was knocked back to just in front of Nick
so Nick could draft off him and try to keep up with him to the end.
Another car spun off track and now Nick was 7th! 
His coach encouraged him to make a pass for 6th,
but Nick decided to play it safe, judging the pass would be pretty challenging. 

The race ended and Nick actually finished 6th because someone ahead of him had a 10 second penalty!
We were screaming and cheering as he came across the finish line!

We drove into Carmel for a Mother's Day lunch at Hog's Breath 
(the food was much better than the name would suggest)!

Love, love, love this addition to our family and her beautiful mother!

So grateful that I get to be a mother and grandmother to the most amazing kids!
Emi was reaching out for "Grammy" and wanting me to hold her a lot these past couple of days
which was an absolute dream! We love her so much!

And grateful for my own mother--her enthusiasm and that she loves supporting her kids and grandkids!

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