Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Quiet Time

Dan and Nick are off to Austin for a Porsche sprint series.

Chris has been out with a friend all day (Ethan S.) and 
Ethan P. (who is staying with us for a couple months this summer) 
went out with family after work. 

I ate leftover Indian food, watched a couple of episodes of "Trying"
and read outside until it got dark.

I had a BBL face treatment--something I've planned to do for 20 years.
It helps get rid of dark spots and lately I've noticed besides the smattering I've had for a long time,
I have two large freckle patches, just under the skin, on both cheeks. 

The procedure took about an hour and was a little stingy,
but the pulsing light in your eyes (despite wearing goggles) was the worst part, for me.
I'm so curious to see how my skin responds! 

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