Friday, May 10, 2024

Surprising Nick

Marty, Lizzie & Emi arrived today and we all went to the Monterey Aquarium
while Nick was at the track for practice.

Then we met Grandma and Dimitrios at the track to watch qualies.
It was soooo exciting to be so close to the "Corkscrew" and watch them fly down that 
technical part of the track!

He qualied at P-9 for Saturday and P-10 for Sunday.
We were excited to surprise him that MLE (the new abbreviation for Mart, Liz & Emi),
were here, but first we had to wait until he finished his interview.

I got Emi pajamas at Liberty in London because the mini classic jammies were so cute!

We all went to dinner Tarby's where Courtney & Michael met us--another surprise!
Back at home, we were all exhausted, but stayed awake (until 9:30--we're still feeling London time)
so we could greet Christopher when he came. The gang's all here!

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