Saturday, May 18, 2024

Chores and Fun

This morning, Marty and Dan went golfing in town, 
Lizzie went for a run,
and Nick and Camille drove the Ranger to Sally's Overlook, 
and I got to spend one-on-one time with Emi.
I just can't get over how happy she is to be with me!

Remember how fun the fruit stickers are?

She really likes sitting on the little chair I bought for her that's just her size.
We looked through pictures of birds in the identification book.
She loves seeing the "tweet-tweets" and pointing out the yellow ones.
This morning when a bird flew by the house, she waved and said, "Bye tweet-tweet!" 

This afternoon's clean-up included Nick driving the tractor to Old Camp,
cleaning out the garage closets (mouse-droppings) 
and organizing the toy closet (I think shelves are just what we need).
We also need to get the carpets cleaned in the bunkhouse after two pipe fittings broke a month ago, 
flooding the wood floor and into the carpets.
Fortunately, Chris and friends spent a couple days at camp for Sigma Chi formal
and discovered the leak!

Marty and Lizzie took Emi for a drive and an ATV ride.

Nick and Camille went fishing.

Marty, Erin and JD came over for dinner and tonight's campfire.

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