Monday, May 20, 2024

Figuring It Out

Dan and I were up at 6:30 so we could run to town and get lumber 
to build garage shelves. Getting organized is so satisfying! 

On the way to town we were feeling a little frustrated at all the "problems" 
that keep cropping up here at the ranch:
The airport car doesn't drive over 15 mph; the ATV's are full of mice; the Ranger won't hold a charge;
woodpeckers keep pecking at the wood siding; the woodpecker holes make spaces for bats to live;
the bat bugs are pervasive again; the wood on the house is warping; the garage won't shut because the wood is warped; the new stain is much darker than the original color--and why haven't they finished yet?
the irrigation pipes have come apart; the carpets need to be cleaned after the flood from a broken pipe; 
and the water purifier is low on salt and needs to be serviced.
But really, it's just part of the learning curve of having a place up here.

We're figuring things out. Issues will come up again,
we'll anticipate them and know better how to solve them, 
and give ourselves more time in the future for the unexpected.

We made a list of everything that needs to be addressed, and seeing it written down
helped us wrap our head around the to-do's and they don't seem so overwhelming. 

When we got to the hardware store, they were willing to make all the cuts we needed for the shelves.
Isn't it amazing how an act of generosity goes a long way in making everything look a little brighter?

We also stopped at the car shop where we'd dropped off the Sequoia on Friday
(they were closed Fri-Sun.) 
They seemed very competent and we left feeling confident they'd figure out the issue and get it fixed.

When we got home, we didn't start on the shelves right away. 
Because the most important part of the day was joining Nick and Camille
 at Piedra Falls. It was a beautiful morning for a hike and the falls are raging! 

Back at home, Dan was able to build shelves for the kayaks and paddleboards while on his Monday calls.
Amazing multi-tasking skills. 

Meanwhile the three of us cleaned the house and did the laundry to get ready to leave.
I really, really wish I had another day to get things done.
I'm just dying to go through the loft in the garage where a lot of "extra building supplies" 
have been stored and either donate or trash.

In the last hour before we had to leave, Dan cleaned all the connections on the Ranger, 
attached a new part to better secure the battery connections,
and, happy day, it finally held a charge!
Fingers crossed this is the fix it needed that solves all of the Ranger issues.

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