Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Boys Are Back

 Nick and Chris are both officially moved back home from their college housing.
And Ethan Paul is staying with us for a month while he's working in Salt Lake
(leasing apartments for Cottonwood!) before moving back home for the summer.

When I arrived home from London, the front entry was full of Chris' stuff.
But before the next day was over, he had it all put away, 
then worked the rest of the week organizing his room.

He loves to be organized, even if it gets away from him sometimes,
and he's been on that high that you only know when everything is tidy, clean, sorted and all the to-do's on your list are checked off!

He even offered to help Dan and Nick move out of Nick's apartment.
They were super grateful for another set of strong hands.
The furniture has been moved to attic storage until Chris moves into his unfurnished apartment in the fall.
But that still left a load of boxes (mostly clothes and laundry) in Nick's room.

Two days ago I asked if he wanted me to help him fold the giant pile that's been on his floor for a week.
(I've said before, I love folding laundry with the kids.)
Not only did he agree, but he also was willing to do a closet purge, which included all his shelves and drawers. It was very satisfying for both of us! 

Today he asked if I wanted to help him unpack, and of course I did!
After that was finished, he reorganized his room and set up his stereo 
(which works really well because I could hear the songs quite clearly while working in the kitchen).

I would like to pat myself on the back that both of these boys
appreciate a clean room and home. 
But I really have to give a lot of the credit to my mom who ALWAYS
helped when it was time to clean.

"Time to clean the playroom! I'll help you."
"Time to clean the kitchen! I'll load the dishwasher if you bring the dishes."

It's so much easier to tackle a big project with another person helping out.

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