Tuesday, June 14, 2022

We'll Be Back

Morning walk before we pack up, down the road and back along the fence line to the hill by the river.
Found a lot more peeled pines (we'll never go hungry!).

Something really funny is how my brain is conditioned to refer to things as we've always referred to placed in Pagosa, even though we're at a new space:
Often when referring to where Dan and I were sleeping vs. the boys, I'd say, "It's in our trailer."
Every time I referred to the laundry room, I said, "In the barn" instead of "in the laundry room."
Was something in the bunk house? I'd always say, "It's in the other trailer."
And the boys sleeping in the loft above the garage? "They're in the barn."
(Thank goodness we're going to call the garage the barn, 
so I won't have to retrain a different way of thinking!)
But I have a feeling we'll be referring to the new place as "our trailers" quite a bit.

More pics of the place:

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