Friday, June 17, 2022

There Is Beauty All Around

I mean, this is pretty amazing.

We had a few families over for another BBQ tonight.
Funny thing, Thursday night as we sat outside surrounded by blooming roses, irsis, planters and colors of all kinds, we talked about having people over on Friday, but weren't sure we wanted to commit.
We did talk over who we would invite.

We needed to drop off some grad cards and gifts and at our first drop off,
two of the families we'd talked about were sitting outside near the home we were going to.
What?! It was totally a sign. We invited them and one was happy to come, the other had plans.
As we turned the corner, we saw another family we'd talked about! 
Immediately texted them and they could come too.

Then Friday I had someone come to mind and kinda wondered if it was a prompting.
Reached out and yes, she and her kids were available.

The wind was crazy all day so we sat in the pool house instead of the patio.
The kids had a blast in the pool and I'm not sure if many of them stopped to eat.
They made new friends and so did we.
Great conversation and fun getting to know each other and we didn't wrap up until almost 10:00.

The only thing better than being outside in our beautiful yard, 
is sharing it with friends.

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