Monday, June 20, 2022

Together Time

 Dan and Christopher are in Mexico visiting his mission.

Nick and I had a chill afternoon after church together watching F-1 while I worked on my blog.
A simple dinner (but too cold to eat outside -- such a weird weather summer so far!)
and a few shows on our own.
 I asked Nick if he wanted to join me on an e-bike ride --
get outside together. He didn't even hesitate when he said yes!
Made me want to cry with joy that he isn't too cool to hang with his mom.

We rode up to the old neighborhood, around Wander Lane and per Nick's request, 
past Flamingo pool so he could remember where that was. 
I suspect this may be an emotional year as our youngest gets ready to finish high school 
and we reflect over and over how fast the time has gone.

Mom and Marge came over this afternoon.
(Do you think my mom wanted to cry with joy too when I asked if she wanted to hang out?)

First we went through all the Pagosa pics so they could see the progress
and then we caught up on all the projects in the works for their properties
and I gave my two cents on floorplans.

Then we worked together putting the bunkroom back in order -- we bought new bunkbeds.
Marge even made the climb up two flights of stairs!
She laid on one of the beds while my mom and I put all the books and toys back on the shelves.
The theme of the day is its always more fun to work together.

(And have dinner afterward!)

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