Saturday, June 25, 2022

Our Village

Got up early for a last day walk around the loop before we left.
An elk was bugling a few times. Thinking about how that's a normal sound for people who live up here.

Nick had a blast at high adventure in Bear Lake.
They rented a cabin that slept all 40 in beds.
His leaders all love him for his steady nature,
willingness to jump in and help, always responsible and kind.
The Priests were in charge of one dinner and the bishop said he didn't even have to help.
Nick and the others did all the chopping, prepping and cooking.
Bishop also bought chicken drumsticks in addition to the other main meal and had not a clue how to fix them. Nick had it all figured out and took over. Turned out delicious.

Baptisms the first afternoon and Nick was in charge of a devotional.
They said his testimony was sincere and strong.
Boating all day on day two on Gary G's boat. He let Nick drive.
Workouts at a small gym with Ryan and John F.
Gun shooting and a hike to a glacier lake on day three.

So grateful for the men who take vacation time to spend teaching our boys new things 
and for their examples of faith and commitment, their love of life and wisdom.
How they like to have fun and and laugh and through their care and love, hobbies and interests
our kids have a broad showcasing of good influences for who they can become.

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