Friday, August 18, 2023

Last Full Day of Writer's Digest Conference

Last full workshop day and each of my classes had energetic, dynamic presenters.
Met a couple of new friends for lunch and said hi to a couple of new friends in passing
and its so crazy that after just a few days out of 200 people, almost everyone is a familiar face.

I attended classes today about finding comp titles; marketing your book; query letters; 
 writing setting and a debut author panel (plan on writing three books before one gets published);

Yesterday I had a class with Hallie Ephron (thriller author and sister of Nora Ephron).
She had a wry sense of humor and good information. but she also mentioned 
"Remember 'Poor Pitiful Pearl?' She was a doll who was sad sack."
What's this? For real? I looked her up, and yes, she was a real toy in the late 50's and through the 60's
(and you can still get her on e-bay).

My last class ended at 4:00 and the keynote speaker was scheduled for 4:30.
Usually our breaks were 15 minutes, but having 30 minutes was simply too long to keep this horse from heading back to the barn.

I sprawled on the couch and raided the cupboards for all the treats Michael & Courtney 
left here and generally decompressed from being with people for 60 hours straight which was definitely my max stimulation capacity.

Dan and those two had plans to go to an outdoor Blues and BBQ concert but 
I skipped out so I could take out my contacts, get in my pajamas and chill. 
Afterward they came over and we hung out for a while
and then we went to bed. One last conference day tomorrow.

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