Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Cucumber and Tomatoes From the Garden

I had to bring ice cream to a bridal shower last night
and the hostess asked if I could transfer the ice cream to a bowl to make it easier to serve so people's knuckles don't get sticky etc.
I thought it was a little overkill (and may have complained to Lizzie), 
but actually, it was a cinch and a pretty good idea. 
The only problem is I have two containers leftover and you know I'm going to eat it all.

I also had garden tomatoes and cucumbers on my salad today.
They were so delicious! 
I'll never forget my first garden cucumber and tomato sandwich on homemade bread
at EC's house one summer in Clovis when the kids were little.
I dream of those sandwiches we had each day for lunch while I was there!

Dan and I met EC for dinner tonight before she heads back to Phoenix this week.
Summer is winding down for most people,
but it really feels like its just getting started for me!

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