Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday Funday

Finally satisfied our craving for Ruth's Diner this morning.
We've been hankering for mile-high biscuits ever since we couldn't get in over Christmas break.
And for dinner we went to Itto's. 
And now Lizzie and Marty can go back to Denver fulfilled.
Wait... did they go to Nielsens and Cafe Rio this trip?

Look at Emi using the dragon towel Aunt Meesh made Marty when he was a baby!

This afternoon they wanted to play a game and were willing to play my new Christmas game, 
Ransom Notes. It's got an Apples to Apples vibe with the edginess of Cards Against Humanity.
And we laughed hysterically! Highly recommend.

Sheree stopped by between errands in Salt Lake
and we're so glad we got to see her!
And she got a little taste of how fun being a Grandma will be!
(Elise and Ethan's baby is due late July!)

After dinner, Dan and I went to the Salt Lake Gallery Stroll.
(Art Galleries opened late on the third Friday of each month.)
We're on the hunt for art for New York.

Found some things we love!

Nick had MORP tonight with Luci R., Will's little sister. She's a good friend and he had a great time.
The theme was duos so they were Stockton and Malone.
Dinner at In 'n Out, Nickelcade, the dance, WaffleHouse for late night snack and
hot tubbing at our house until 1:00. 

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